
IntelliScreenX is crashing - please help! IntelliScreenX is crashing - please help!

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We have done extensive testing with IntelliScreenX - however, because the jailbreak community works in shared processes, conflicts with other applications may occur. 

We kindly ask you remove all other extensions for MobileSubstrate and only install IntelliScreenX to troubleshoot.   If it crashes, we'd love a crash report and are VERY committed to fixing any crashes immediately.

If the problem occurs after installing another library, we will work with the developer of the other product to help resolve how to fix it.

We greatly appreciate your patience on helping resolve issues as they arise!

Known Conflicts

Currently, there is one known crash conflict, which is Barrel.  Currently - the work around is to disable "Experimental FolderEnhancer Fix" in Barrel Settings under Preferences. 

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